pyometra uterus removed from a 70lb dog

This stuff was removed successfully from the stomach of one of our patients (65 lbs English bull dog) using an endoscope thus avoiding expensive and invasive surgery.

This stuff was removed successfully from the stomach of one of our patients (65 lbs English bull dog) using an endoscope thus avoiding expensive and invasive surgery.

This stuff was removed successfully from the stomach of one of our patients (65 lbs English bull dog) using an endoscope thus avoiding expensive and invasive surgery.
A job well done! No more heavy lump for puppy to carry around!
A massive lump that was removed by our excellent surgical team.
Bladder stones removed from a 13 lb pekingese mix. There is a thin margin of ph in the urine when no stones will be formed. This ph balance can be affected by food and/or bacteria.
Pyometra is a condition when a uterus fills with pus. It occurs most often in older pets and is one of the reasons that we encourage owners to spay their young female pets. This uterus was removed from a 60 lb dog.
Rubber Ball Removed from the Stomach of an English Bulldog.

Bone Chip removed from 93lbs Blue nose Pitbull that was located in dental arcade causing huge damage to carnassial teeth on both sides.